Judge Stanley M. Sporkin Memorial ASECA Endowed Scholarship

Georgetown University Law Center


Photo courtesy of the Historical Society of the District of Columbia Circuit

Throughout his professional life, Judge Sporkin was an extraordinary lawyer, public servant and leader. His intellectual talents, creativity and problem-solving instincts were exceptional. Nothing captures the essence of Judge Sporkin better than the following statement, made while talking about his guiding philosophy: “The premise I operate on is that this is the greatest country the world has ever seen, that the freedoms we have, and the free enterprise system are the reasons it’s so good, and that you can’t afford to compromise those freedoms.” Judge Sporkin never lost his sense of public service. His professional life was a model for all of us who care about public service and excellence in government. That his counsel continues is a true test of his greatness. There was no one who enjoys greater respect and affection from his colleagues, peers and people in and out of government. Modified with permission by Theodore A. Levine and Edward D. Herlihy. The Father of Enforcement, Thomson Reuters Securities Regulation Law Journal, Spring 2015.

Georgetown University Law Center hosted the First Annual Judge Stanley Sporkin SEC Enforcement Panel in January 2024. Proceeds from the event endowed a new scholarship at Georgetown University Law Center in the memory of Judge Sporkin. The panel featured current and former directors of the SEC's Division of Enforcement: Stephanie Avakian, Andrew Ceresney, Gurbir Grewal, Bill McLucas, and Steven Peikin.

The Second Annual Judge Stanley Sporkin SEC Enforcement Panel will be February 20, 2025. The panel will feature former directors Bill McLucas (moderator), Gary Lynch, Rob Khuzami, Linda Chatman Thomsen, and Dick Walker. These distinguished former directors, who among their many accomplishments, have served as general counsels to Bank of America, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, First Boston, Guggenheim Partners, and Morgan Stanley, will share their unique perspectives regarding Judge Sporkin's legacy and their discussion of the SEC's enforcement program.

For information about the ASECA scholarship and how to apply, please contact:

Office of Graduate Programs
Georgetown University Law Center
600 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Email: [email protected]